

Pros and Cons of Long-Distance Medical Transportation

Do you or a loved one need long-distance medical transportation? Perhaps you need to travel across the country for specialized medical care or move a loved one to a new nursing home. Whatever the reason, long-distance medical transportation can be a daunting experience. While it may seem convenient to drive yourself or your loved one, there are several factors to

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8 Reasons to Start a Career in Healthcare

Why choose a career in healthcare? A career in healthcare can be both challenging and rewarding. It offers a sense of purpose that few other industries can match. Whether you’re a seasoned professional looking to change careers or a recent high school graduate, there are various opportunities for growth and advancement in healthcare. Here are eight reasons a healthcare career

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The Importance of a Sternum Rub

Every second counts in an emergency, and as an EMT, you must know a patient’s state as soon as you get to them. This is why the sternum rub is a crucial method in assessing a patient’s level of consciousness and promoting breathing. Find out why sternum rubs are important, when, and how to perform them effectively. What Sternum Rub

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7 Ways to Take Care of Your Mental Health as an EMS Provider

If you work in EMS, you’re an essential part of the emergency response team, responsible for providing immediate medical care to patients in critical conditions. Due to the nature of your job, you may often face stressful and traumatic incidents that can impact your mental health as an EMS professional.  The good news is there are ways to take care

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How to Call an Ambulance and What to Expect

In life-threatening emergencies, time is of the essence, and every second counts. So, acting quickly and getting medical help as soon as possible is crucial. However, not everyone knows how to call an ambulance or what to do in such situations. In this guide, we’ll explain step-by-step how to call an ambulance. With this knowledge, you can feel confident and

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Everything You Need to Know About Dialysis Transportation

Many patients who need dialysis have appointments that last several hours, as often as three or four times a week. The frequency and duration of these appointments can make it difficult to rely on a loved one for transportation, and it can be dangerous for patients to drive. Professional dialysis transportation services provide an alternative way for patients to get

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DCAP BTLS: EMS Abbreviation Meaning and Usage

Soft tissue injuries may not be immediately visible, but they can significantly impact a patient’s health and recovery. So, you need to learn to recognize and treat them. Thankfully, the DCAP BTLS mnemonic can help you remember how to deal with soft tissue injuries. Whether it’s a sprain, strain, or contusion, prompt and proper treatment of soft tissue injuries can

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12 Practical EMS Tips for New EMTs

Being an EMT comes with its hassles, but it’s nothing you can’t handle. Especially if you have the guidance and expertise of veteran EMTs to rely on. Compiled by seasoned EMTs and paramedics, these EMS tips will help you in your day-to-day duties. Here are some trade secrets every new EMT should know.  EMS Tips to Help You Excel as

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10 Tips to Help You Nail Your EMT Job Interview

After getting the required qualifications to be an EMT, your next hurdle will be passing an EMT interview. While interviews can be terrifying, preparing well will set you up for success. Whether this is your first job or you’re a veteran changing ambulance companies, these 10 tips can help you get over the jitters and ace your EMT interview. Get

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EMS Jobs 101: Everything About EMS Roles, Duties, Salaries, and How to Apply

EMS jobs require hard work, commitment, and sacrifice. To save lives, EMTs and paramedics must work together smoothly. If you want to have a job in EMS, you must understand the difference between the roles and responsibilities. Plus, knowing the career path and salary expectations in EMS can also help you plan your future. This guide will help you understand

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