Compassionate Care. Reliably & Efficiently Delivered.
Elite Ambulance offers a multitude of transport methods, from Non-Emergency Transport to Specialty Care Transport. Our reliable drivers and medical personnel are here for you 24/7.
Interested in joining our team? Elite Ambulance is constantly recruiting EMS and EMT professionals to take on our high-volume, Emergency and Non-Emergency transportation.
Start your rewarding career as a fully licensed EMT through Elite Ambulance courses. With 6+ Training Classes in the Midwest, you’ll receive hands-on, in-depth training from our incredible instructors. Immediate job placement upon graduation!

Hear What Others Have to Say
“…excellent pre hospital care that was provided by Joshua Giovenchio and Joseph Netche. Their quick action and expert airway management made a difference in this patient’s outcome. “The EMS office recognizes these individuals for their delivery of exemplary pre hospital care.”
“Upon arrival to the Emergency Department, the patient was assessed and the intubation performed in the field was determined to be nothing short of perfect. Please pass our thanks and appreciation on to these fine paramedics, their excellent response was a lifesaver!”
“…this is my first EMT position and I look forward to every shift. I like that there are shifts available if I want to work more, as well. I like the people at my garage, and they have been warm and welcoming. I think Elite is a great place to work!”
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